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Demonising the world

Posted by diogenes on 2024-July-18 09:30:53, Thursday
In reply to Russia loves Vance.. posted by honesty on 2024-July-18 08:08:52, Thursday

The belief that the world is divided into angels (us) and devils (everyone else) is absurdly simplistic and can only lead to catastrophe. I was about to say that your view was 'juvenile', but most of the juveniles I've known would dismiss your view as plain silly.

I will quote Simon Jenkins from 2014:
How dare anyone excuse a great power hurling brute force against a small one, justifying it with some nonsense about extremists and a "responsibility to protect". There should be no place for such cynical bullying in a 21st-century world order. And for what? So a leader with a virility complex can play to his domestic gallery. The whole thing is utterly unacceptable. There must be costs and consequences.

But enough of Iraq. What of Ukraine?
And, I might add, what about Israel vis-a-vis Gaza?

Never mind. The military-industrial complex has never been lacking for death-worshipping shills in any age, and arguing with them is always a waste of time. But if Ukraine and the rest of Europe go up in radioactive smoke, with hundreds of millions of charred corpses, maybe that will be sufficient to put a smile on your face. Because then at least we've given Putin a good spanking, eh?


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