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Actual guilt is irrelevant.....

Posted by God's Avenging Angel on 2024-May-21 08:21:20, Tuesday
In reply to Nah.. posted by honesty on 2024-May-20 13:15:53, Monday

It's whether or not the state can prove it beyond a reasonable doubt.

I dunno, but Bragg's two chief witnesses, one a bimbo porn star who's changed her story more times than Liberace changed outfits, and a convicted felon, perjurer, serial pathological liar, and admitted thief ain't leading with a strong suit. At the minimum it'll be a hung jury.

Plus the fact that "Judge" Merchan - and all his various and sundry conflicts of interest - didn't recuse himself was an automatic appellate reversal if Trump was convicted. The whole lawfare bullshit they've tried, (and so far failed), has been exposed as a cheap political trick engineered by the Biden White House.

The economy is in a shambles, our foreign relations are a disaster, and it's painfully obvious that Biden is senile as hell.

Get used to it....Donald Trump is about to pull a Grover Cleveland and be your next president....

God's Avenging Angel

"I am the stone that builder refused, I am the visual
The inspiration that made lady sing the blues
I'm the spark that makes your idea bright
The same spark that lights the dark
So that you can know yo' left from yo' right
I am the ballot in yo' box, the bullet in yo' gun
The inner glow that lets you know to call your brother son
The story that just begun - the promise of what's to come
And I'm 'a remain a soldier 'til the war is won"

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