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Re: Really?

Posted by diogenes on 2025-January-22 15:12:48, Wednesday
In reply to Re: Really? posted by Eric Tazelaar on 2025-January-22 05:55:54, Wednesday

To call yourself "gay" post-mid 90s is to identify with the political aims of a group that has found it convenient to throw us under a bus. I don't see how any boylover can identify with or side with those who collude in our persecution, and who will not lift a finger against our extermination, should it come to it. Your calling yourself gay will not stop your persecution by this group. The gays will repudiate you - indeed, they already have, and nothing you say will make them readmit you to the fold.

Your claim that pederasty in Classical Greece was all about men looking to "dominate" a submissive younger partner is woke progressivist pseudohistorical tosh; exactly the sort of airbrushing of history at which the gay movement has proved itself so adept. (For example, read Images of Ancient Greek Pederasty: Boys Were Their Gods [Lear & Cantarella, Routledge, 2008] for a very different perspective based on evidence rather than modern prejudice. Better still, read some of Edmund's Greek Love Through the Ages site.)


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