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Re: MAP YAP pedo hebe

Posted by Eric Tazelaar on 2025-January-9 00:51:38, Thursday
In reply to Re: MAP YAP pedo hebe posted by Fragment on 2025-January-8 21:33:54, Wednesday

Thank you for your insights. I'll try listening to the YT interview. We'll see if I can stomach yet another "non-offending pedophile" perspective. There have been so many they're beginning to blur...

What I find remote to my experience is their (VIRPED's) usually rigorous adherence to social consensus morality. Because I broke with that, myself, at such a young age (pre-teens) I find theirs' to be very remote from my way of thinking which has always required me to critically examine social stigmas for a rational basis.

I also was never religious, even growing up. I remember thinking, when I was seven, that Santa Claus and God seemed to have a lot in common in that they were both obviously pretend. That same year I first performed fellatio on a classmate. As I recounted here previously, it seemed like the right thing to do even though I had never seen or heard of it before. As far as I knew, I had just invented it.

So, I think that illustrates, perhaps better than anything, the fundamental differences between people like me and people like VIRPEDs. We are constitutionally different. I was willing to explore and to cast aside dogma that seemed absurd and didn't work for me and they are frightened of themselves around kids. I don't get the impression that many of them question much of anything about traditional, church-going morality. They're scared to death of earning the normies' disapproval and crave their acceptance. I can't imagine that.

It may well be that many of them are better keeping a distance from kids. I wouldn't necessarily want to dissuade them from that.

Few of them appear to be rooted in the kind of "sexual outlaw" aesthetic of gay 1970's East and West Coasts. That would certainly be alien to them. When I was first coming up in the gay world in the mid-to-late 1970's, man/boy relations were, if not as common as adult-only relationships, something that was still very easy to find and generally quite tolerated in the gay community, where I had a home. This began to change immediately with the fusion of gay and lesbian political organization just one or two years after I had arrived. Kind of like when I turned eighteen and could go to dirty book stores, the very next month, they pulled all of the c.p. off the shelves which they had occupied for the previous ten years.

Most, but not all, lesbians hated boylovers and wanted us out. And out we got.

Yes, they have absolutely always reminded me of the ex-gays of Exodus International. It's that level of certitude and piety. Plus, most have never sucked a boy's dick before, one that wanted to be sucked.

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