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Re: While I think you are tilting at windmills...

Posted by Eric Tazelaar on 2025-January-8 06:59:31, Wednesday
In reply to Re: While I think you are tilting at windmills... posted by BLueRibbon on 2025-January-7 20:31:07, Tuesday

I keep finding out about these entities that arose in my absence, e.g. "Mu" and "Medal." "Mu" seems to be somewhat more fleshed-out and active, judging from their websites. "Medal" sounds more close to VIRPED in their orientation towards society and ostentatious "non-offending." I wonder why they needed another one?

I had thought that a MAP camp might be a fun time, albeit without any promise of Cub Scouts, with an emphasis on nature and s'mores rather than on the gritty urban landscapes where we once held our conferences, decades ago e.g. N.Y., L.A. and S.F., but I can now see that it would not have been a very good time with people like Nick Devin to roast marshmallows next to.

Still, I kind of wish that they had pulled it off.

Best of luck on your own camp concept! You're right to keep the invitation list small and highly scrutinized. These things need a gatekeeper with a sharp eye who can sniff out trouble when they see it and slam the door shut. That was something missing from the last of those long-ago conferences where the FBI walked in the door, undetected, and sprang a trap into which some of our desperate members then fell.

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