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Re: Harm-reduction pedophile.

Posted by Fragment on 2025-January-8 21:48:53, Wednesday
In reply to Re: Harm-reduction pedophile. posted by Eric Tazelaar on 2025-January-8 12:11:23, Wednesday

If you compare what VirPed achieved in the 2010s to what NAMBLA was doing in the 70-80s I totally agree that VirPed was deficient. But you're missing a big chunk of history. Let's look at the events immediately prior to VirPed's founding in 2012.
2008 - BC webmaster Jimf3 arrested
2008 - PeeJ transforms into Evil Unveiled
2008 - BoyChat websmaster Dylan Thomas arrested after being investigated by Evil Unveiled
2009 - taken down with multiple arrests
2009 - "Hardwired" episode of Law and Order SVU (inspired by Newgon)
2010 - lek dies. State funding of B4UACT ends
2010 - Last meeting of Ipce, combined with an IBLD event
2011 - Azov arrests

VirPed was a defensive play. It was a "safe space" where members wouldn't accidentally get involved in illegality like they had with other sites. It was somewhere that MAPs who agreed that sex with minors is immoral could go without having their beliefs challenged constantly. Particularly it was somewhere that new MAPs who were still insecure in themselves due to the social narrative could go to feel better about themselves. For some BLs/GLs hearing "adult-minor sexual contact is morally okay" can actually reinforce the fears they have about themselves. VirPed messaging helps them ease in.

My biggest problem with it, however, is how it silos itself away from the rest of the community. They try, as you say, to put themselves apart from "those other virtuless pedophiles". I sometimes consider making a site called "Virtuous Offenders", just to break down the stupid binary narrative of black and white.

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