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2023 Federal Report Human Trafficking [link]

Posted by Manstuprator on 2025-January-3 14:30:51, Friday
In reply to MAPs should condemn child trafficking posted by beracine on 2025-January-3 08:40:44, Friday

Finally! The government has released a definitive report which includes the exact number of children trafficked over the Mexico/U.S. border for sexual purposes in 2023!

The number they reported is:


Read the report on (so-called) "human trafficking" at the link below.


This year marks the seventh publication of the Human
Trafficking Institute’s (HTI) Federal Human Trafficking
Report (FHTR). With twenty-four years of data, over
3,100 federal criminal human trafficking cases, and a
plethora of data points collected, the FHTR remains the
single most exhaustive and comprehensive resource
of data on the federal response to human trafficking
in the United States.

The data presented in the FHTR is uniquely valuable.
It allows us to see inside actual human trafficking
cases and learn how traffickers operate, without
speculation. Using the FHTR, we can see the latest
trends and changes in trafficking schemes, and
adjust our investigative and prosecutorial techniques
accordingly. It also helps us better understand how
trafficking impacts victims.

As you review the 2023 FHTR, we encourage you to
look beyond the numbers and percentages and focus
on the impact that each represents on the lives of
those affected by trafficking. Many of the data points
are a reflection of a real person who was exploited at
the hands of their trafficker.
* For this reason, the data
featured in the FHTR also represents a beacon of hope
for victims, in that it shows how we have successfully
interrupted and prosecuted human trafficking cases.
The more we learn about trafficking in the United
States, the better we can protect victims. This narrative
underscores the significance of the data we report
annually in the FHTR.

We celebrate the lives protected by the cases
represented in the 2023 FHTR, but also recognize the
need to do more. We hope that you find the 2023 FHTR
insightful and that you, too, are inspired to continue
the fight against human trafficking.


Lindsey Lane
Director of Strategic Engagement"

* Don't pay attention to the ridiculously low numbers reported -- just
Remember the Children! And how they felt! [Bolding added by me.]

Strange, but almost all the people associated with the report are "of the female persuasion." Why would that be?

Most of the "trafficked children" were teenagers, who would not be considered to be "children" in civilized countries...

In other words, all the hubbub about "human trafficking" is bullshit...


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