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Posted by Tyred on 2024-December-31 16:44:44, Tuesday
In reply to Boylove is the best posted by SiB on 2024-December-31 14:24:33, Tuesday

Boys are not objects for grown men to use to gratify themselves sexually. Heaven calls us to love boys in law abiding ways, respecting their dignity and human rights. The devil is the one who whispers those lies into your ear, convincing you that refraining from child molestation makes you a crushed victim. If you do follow through with your misguided beliefs you will experience a hell more crushing than abstinence ever could be when you experience the double whammy of suffering the painful consequences in your own life, plus having to witness the suffering your actions have inflicted upon an innocent child.

But we can agree that the arguments here are irritating. Losers just looking for someone to take their frustrations out on sling shit at each other rather than support each other in living their best crime-free life. Nothing bothers a pro-c pedophile more than having to face the messengers of reality.

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