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Posted by kit on 2024-July-13 06:39:51, Saturday
In reply to Strawcow posted by Fragment on 2024-July-13 06:03:48, Saturday

Oh, I'm definitely not a cynic. I'm very much an idealist. I just happen to think that your ideals are something of a country pancake.

The question seems to me to be really rather a simple one: is the hostility of our culture to paedophilia acidental, or is it essential?

Or, to put this issue in the decadent language of our age: is paedophobia a bug, or is it a feature of our culture?

I am impressed by the optimism of those heiffers who think that hostility to paedophilia is some kind of heroic oversight, and that we can latch onto identity politics to drag us along if only we can convinvce folks that we are just like the gays!. How could they not see that?!

But this is cow-eyed foolishness. It represents a bovine failure to recognise where we are and how we should best react to the threats that confront us.

If I took you guys even remotely seriously, I might resent the implication that you are worried about "MAP" suicides and that I am not.

Of course, you are welcome to your own personal one-man crusade. A mooo-sade.

But what worries me is that you are actually making things worse for the rest of us: that the visibility and the activism you want to assert are nothing but a red rag to a bull.

You draw attention to the embattled outcrops of "MAP" resistance - the few remaining green pastures where bulls and steers may safely graze - including this one.

And you hope that banging on the old time-honoured drums of identity and status will somehow liberate us from the jaws of the trap that are closing around us.

Well, I have to tell you: you are the trap. You are part of the threat that confronts us.

And we won't escape it until we manage to think ourselves out of the moral world that you are so unctiously offering to us.

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