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Proof is in the pudding so to speak

Posted by starmanjones on 2024-July-11 13:26:37, Thursday
In reply to Shooting by MAP Kills Four, Injures Others posted by BLueRibbon on 2024-July-7 03:20:02, Sunday

If this is the same garden variety of dorks i read about previously, there is an epidemic going on right now, there is some twitter account with the assault movies that seem to stay up.

It is a band of confessing neo-nazis cosplaying as youngsters 13-14, apparently this could also be fake but I doubt it, still too many dumb-asses think they are getting to date an child with a very advanced sexual vocabulary. Also people with actual convictions are being targeted.

The only (legal) countermeassure I can come up with after sifting through a plethora of execution methods from the dark ages (a man can dream no?) would be that intelligence agencies are currently actively having neo-nazi sympathisers bank accounts shut off on the suspicion of terrorism and financing thereoff.

So if you identify any of them why not drop the feds an anonymous tip?

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