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hostes humani generis

Posted by kit on 2024-June-18 09:09:04, Tuesday
In reply to Pro-Reform: The Rational Middle Ground posted by BLueRibbon on 2024-June-16 07:13:03, Sunday

Last week, I read in the news that the state of Louisiana is planning to allow surgical castration as a precondition of release for child-sex offenders. Meanwhile, Idaho and Florida state legislatues are both attempting to make child sex-crimes punishable by death.

This is barely surprising to anyone with a finger in the wind. I'm sure these will not be the last such measure we will see. And I'm certain that public support for the deployment of such state violence against "MAPs" will grow ever more clamorous in the near future.

In the above essay, TPKA BLueRibbon suggests that there exists something called a "pro-reform agenda" that is capable of winning "agreement from wider society." TPKA BLueRibbon suggests that toning down some of the nastier bits of "pro-contact" ideology (penetrative sex with five-year-olds is apparently right out) provides the key not just to uniting "pro-contact" and "anti-contact" paedos but also to conquering the hearts of the general public.

I certainly can't fault the author on his invincible optimism.

VirPed has made great strides! The broad, sunlit uplands of popular acceptance await us! All we need to do is rein in our collective libidos a bit and we'll all be celebrating Paedo-Pride Month in no time! Non-offending paeophiles of all lands, unite! You have nothing to lose but your dystonia!

Don't get me wrong, I do see the attraction in the idea that we can follow the homos' primrose path to popular approval. And I sort of understand that in a just world the best way of doing this might be by demonstrating just how gosh-darned virtuous we are. Or, better yet, we could show that we've actually been victims all along! Man, what a plot-twist that would be!

But I am at a loss to account for the - what? naivete? lack of imagination? Nelsonian blindness? - that leads TPKA BLueRibbon to tender this proposal in all apparent seriousness.

I fear that some of these guys are actually going to have to be marched into the gas chambers before they begin to consider the possibility that everything might not actually be getting better all the time - that we are not riding this particular tiger; that liberalism and identity politics can not find a place for us, and that the authorities who are suddenly so actively interested in us might not ultimately have our best interests at heart.

In fact it is culturally impossible to say anything meaningful as a paedophile in our society; anything that is said will not be heard, and anything that is heard will be understood only as a monstrosity and a menace.

And you cannot manipulate your way out of this predicament by adopting the logic of the age.

This is why VirPed has achieved precisely nothing over a decade or more - nothing, that is, except ruining the lives of a couple of its witless public puppets, and making the acronym "MAP" just as reviled and ridiculed among right-thinking folks as the acronym "NAMBLA" used to be.

Of course, if you want to be a goody-two-shoes because you really believe in that, this is absolutely fine. I have no problem at all with people who think that buggering a five-year-old is always and inevitably wrong, even though I'm not sure I could really put my hand to my heart and say I think the same.

But what you don't get to do is to sweep up all your critics together and put your own preferred label on them. No, I am not "pro-contact." What does that even mean? That I think sex is always good? That I'm in favour of sex as a whole? That I think everyone should be buggering five-year-olds? Every five-year-old? Every day and twice on Sundays?

No. It's a meaningless label that is convenient for implying that anyone who isn't a committed Virpedalist or a congenital Prostatic must be some rampaging paedoamorous satyr.

It's a way of evading the huge diversity of views expressed by anti-anti-contact paedophiles. It's a way of locating anti-anti-anti-contact paedophiles as one pole of a fatuous dichotomy rather than recognising the complexity and nuance of the problems they try to shut down. It's a means of slamming shut the window of discourse (YOU WON'T EVER BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY!!) and attiring one's own prejudices in the garb of unearned respectability.

Of course, in reality none of this actually matters. None of it matters because the stakes are so small: because in reality we have nothing at all to gain in the foreseeable future, and most certainly nothing to gain by adopting the language and the logic of our assassins.

None of us will ever be taken seriously, and I struggle to see how anyone who lives outside an insulated corner of the internet could imagine that things might be otherwise.

At least in our lifetimes, it is vastly more likely that the age of consent will be raised to 21 than that it will be reduced to 12. It is vastly more likely that adult pornography will be banned than that child pornography will be decriminalised.

In the English-speaking world, it is more probable that non-offending paedophiles will be identified, incarcerated, neutered and killed than that we will obtain any significant level of social acceptance. This is the reality.

We are the enemies of all mankind.

And there's nothing we can do about it. Nothing will change our fate. Not even being very, very, very good and letting everyone know all about it. The blade will fall on the saints and the satyrs alike.

There's something quite liberating about that insight, I think.

It doesn't matter a jot what we say or do here or over at VirPed. Milquetoast reformism certainly won't save us, but then neither will NAMBLAesque radicalism or the Puritan austerity of the anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-contacters.

If we're damned either way - and I'm fairly certain that we are - let's at least try to retain a little bit of self-respect as we dig our own graves.

When it comes to avoiding "dystonia" (or, as I would prefer to call it, "alienation"), the first step perhaps is not to identify too closely with one's persecutors.

And the second step is to prepare for the worst.

A whirlwind is about to descend on us. If die we must, let us at least die on our feet: proclaiming what we know to be true in our hearts, and not simply mouthing whatever pieties we hope might somehow placate the fury of the storm.

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