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I'm with Pharmakon on this one

Posted by Currant BL on 2024-April-4 04:56:19, Thursday
In reply to Feminism or youth rights? Time to choose. posted by diogenes on 2024-April-3 17:19:41, Wednesday

I don't usually agree with Pharmakon on just about anything of importance, but he brought up a point in his reply to you that you conveniently ignore.

That we don't know what ACTUALLY HAPPENED and are in no position to judge what transpired in the particular case. That does NOT mean agreement with persecution of men and boys for engaging in consensual sexual behavior with one another or even with peers of the opposite sex. In fact I'm sure that even the general public, which includes women, are not in favor of the more reckless accusations ruining lives out there. Accusations believed because of the tears of the alleged victim but absent substantive evidence, accusations that were then recanted later but much too late to save the accused from the worst form of harassment or abuse. I'm referring of course to the accusations of rape hurled at university aged men for having sex with women at parties that dominated headlines in the US and elsewhere for a while a few years back.

I don't want to be horribly rude, but, if one didn't know better, one might be led to believe, however mistakenly, that wherever there is persecution, wherever oppression, wherever injustice, Pharmakon can always be relied on to articulate the point of view of our oppressors. And why? Because at all costs (including the well-being of boys and boylovers) feminism must be defended. A woman can never be wrong when she calls out some injustice against her.

Sorry to say but that IS rude and a total misrepresentation of Pharmakon's post.

"Feminism" like "boylove" is neither monolithic nor so easily defined, th same with any political movement. There are a number of feminists with agendas directly contradicting those of other feminists. It is no different with boylovers. Many of us do not support or condone pre-adolescents prostituting themselves or in boylovers engaging service of prostitutes (one of the few areas Tyred and I agree on). Yet you have gone on record here as defending it.

Harlan, another boylover, has defended the practice of tricking boys into taking their clothes off on camera, believing the other party to be a girl their own age, as being good for ridding boys of body shame and being comfortable with their sexuality.

I won't even start in on Manstuprator's positions.

Certain if those positions, extreme as they are, were seen as being the core of a "boylove agenda" not even most boylovers would be on board.

I'll end with my observations of you: you don't understand boys, even teenage ones, except as a means to their (rear)ends.

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