It makes me feel very sad because much of what I have read in the NAMbLA website I can totally abide by and agree with, but I do feel that many people here have lost track. My impression has always been that loving boys means allowing them the freedom to make their own decisions, including their own mistakes. I’ve never felt that obstruction is a good approach. I feel like we should and can have our opinions, but we have to be there for our boys as much as we can, even if they decide that they aren’t boys. It isn’t their penises that we love. It’s them. Who they are. Who they want to be. Why they believe they are. And, if they make a mistake, we have to be there to support them and love them no matter what. If they aren’t taking advantage of our kindness and love, I see no reason why any of us discourage a boy from deciding to be a girl if he feels, in his heart, that’s who he is. Being a boylover, to me, means allowing oneself to put aside their own rationale and perspective. Boylove, to me, is also about adaptability and open-mindedness. If a boy isn’t getting support from his community, friends, family, etc, for whatever decisions he wants to make, we have to be there till the end. If we whittle it down to whether they are male or female, we are only displaying how ignorant we are of their needs and desires. We aren’t valuing their personalities, feelings, or opinions. We are merely focusing on our own individual fixed perspectives on what we believe constitutes a boy. And, to me, that’s pretty oppositional to hat love is. If a boy wins my heart, he’s won my heart for life. But his journey is his journey. To oppose his feelings is to oppose him. That doesn’t mean we can’t be honest with them. If they asks us our opinions are on their transgenderism, I see no reason why we can’t tell them what we feel in our hearts, whether we agree or disagree with it. I think what matters most is that we listen and provide gentle and rational responses and avoid imposing our own judgments. Even people who support the transgender movement like me can recognize that children don’t necessarily always know for sure what or who they are. On a final note, I have known many transgender people over the years, the majority of whom eventually decided they weren’t. But I can count on less than 10 fingers how many have actually had full on genital surgery. The majority of transgender people I know have not gotten any surgery. 1 of my absolute best friends, growing up, used to be a female and is now a happy male and is married with 3 kids. Even as a child, he liked being referred to and treated like a boy. Since his transition, nothing has changed. I’ve never felt a need or desire to refer to him as female because he has always been male, in my eyes, and always will be. I can guarantee 100% of you that if you met him you would assume he has always been 100%. And that’s about as simply as I can summarize this argument. People can feel the way they want to feel, but nobody has X-Ray vision at the end of the day. And that’s about it, really. |