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You didn't have a problem with hooked because...

Posted by Avalon on 2012-April-23 10:18:20, Monday
In reply to yes, that does explain a lot but... posted by Etenne on 2012-April-23 10:03:47, Monday

... when he stuck to just posting about BL issues, as he often did, he was a constructive contributor to the board. It was only when he got into the meta issues, decided he was smarter than everyone else and thus should run the board, that he became a real dick. You probably just did not engage in the meta issues he created.

As for martir, he will give you some story of how he has been picked on for no reason and how he (claims that he) believes are not really boylovers, but people who are trying to disrupt or even kill BoyChat. (He has explicitly said this many times. It started as an "I know you are but what am I?" response to some people who accused him of being an anti/cop/troll/whatever, but he has persisted in making this claim.)

He will probably tell you that he has been very "helpful" by filling out dozens of PRFs every day and making "important" revisions to the FAQ etc. and that when his efforts have fallen on deaf ears he became worried that the administrators were being negligent in their duties and so had to point that out (again and again and again) to ensure the security of us all. That the admin has not kissed his feet and thanked him for being a savior has dismayed him.

He also has expressed dismay at the criticism for his posting volume. One month he posted over 700 times, a number that was 550 times more than the second most frequent poster and 600 more than the third most. When criticised for dominating every conversation on the board he replied that he (falsely) thought that posting a lot used to be praised on BC. Pointing out that PPC was lambasted for posting number lower than his and at a time when posting volume in general was higher (so they did not even dominate the board nearly as much as he has) has not changed his view. He persists in thinking that he is being criticized for being "helpful".

He might explain his gripes himself to you or just post a link to one of the many many many times he has complained in the past, but it will amount to pretty much this.

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