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Religion Enables and Entrenches a Status Quo

Posted by AMicus on 2011-November-6 11:50:39, Sunday
In reply to How does religion affect societies attitudes re:BL posted by martirwithacause on 2011-November-6 11:06:52, Sunday

Most religion emerges to make sense of natural phenomena and then to justify the arbitrary ways of those establishing said religion. These often become entwined in the minds of believers. Over time religious leaders inculcate personal opinions through interpretive or core substance changes.

In this way religion has emerged in the modern world to legitimize a number of judgements and forms of behavior, many though not all of which would otherwise make insufficient logical or rational sense to justify implementation. In this way it is harmful, as a stumbling block before people can be raised more objectively, or helpful, where it prevents people from acting on many "professional" opinions, which are often the modern manifestation of religious leadership.

For example, MWAC explicitly presents himself as the most professional, security savvy, intelligent poster, without behaving in a manner that would objectively allow these conclusions.

While there are so many stupid and ignorant people, religion seems more a manifestation of them than the other way around, but both are self supporting.

I would happily pick out the bad effects of religions and permit practice of said religions bar those. In the interim issues are conflated.

For a most enlightened person, there would be no religion, and immense introspection.

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