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Re: Yes Cjat......

Posted by Rospo on 2011-September-19 22:32:18, Monday
In reply to Yes Cjat...... posted by ShotaCat on 2011-September-19 10:29:28, Monday

When I read the article earlier, I must admit that I was responding out of a lot of emotion. It pisses me off if I let it, when intolerance rears it's ugly head for no justifiable reason and harms those who are innocent.

Although there's no way I can truthfully divine the cause of all intolerance in this case... I feel that a lot of it comes from religion and religious views of homosexuality.

Although it's not always the case... present day doctrines of many of the world's religions generally view homosexual behavior negatively to put it mildly. Many religious people are of the belief that homosexuals are homosexual out of sinful choices and sinful lusts. "God wouldn't make someone gay." They often explain away gays by simply declaring them "sinners" who need to repent" and more or less... make better choices.

This little girl in a boys body spits in the face of all that if it's really a little girl in a boys body... because if she is... God created a gay! but it can't be a little girl in a boys body because "God doesn't make gays!"

In my mind, the rational for the religious is simple... "Mom or Dad or both are messing with the kids mind and brainwashing her into THINKING she's a girl!"

That's my take on it anyway.

Rospo the toad

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