To 'deviant' sexualities or not. I mean think about it - Boylovers, gays, etc. have existed since forever and in great numbers. If it was a case of something 'going wrong', surely we would have pinpointed it with it going on so consistently over such a long period of time? Furthermore, there's no real 'switch'. Some are gay, some are bi, some like women and boys, some are mostly straight but sometimes a teeny bit gay... it's a slider bar rather than tick boxes. BUT... think about it this way instead - throughout evolution, what has happened is that species have tended to spawn less and less offspring, but nurture the oens they have a lot more - Fish lay thousands of eggs and fertilize the lot, then leave them for dead in the hope that a hungry shark will miss one or two of them. Very wasteful in terms of resources. Then birds and small mammals started to only have a small bunch, and would feed them milk or vomit while they were little - But again, many die, and it's a big waste of resources. Then you get to the big, intelligent mammals - elephants, monkeys, etc. - Typically only one, parent sticks with it for years to help it survive. So, and here's a completely random postulation, have we humans evolved to the point where the offspring hit rate is less than one? Thus us having less kids eating up all the food and then wasting it by dying, more people to look after the kids, and better chances of survival. Makes sense, especially with paedos. Sex is natures way of making humans stick together, just as much as it makes them reproduce. At least, that's how I see it. But whatever, maybe I just don't like the idea of being disordered ;) |