I am not mixing the 2 up as sexual orientation is really meant for sexual reproductive purposes. However somewhere in the process, a fundamental mistake happened, thus they became exclusively attracted to organisms that are not suited for that purpose. Of course I am referring to exclusives as a mental disorder, that will make it impossible to fulfill primary objective reproduction. As these thoughts and attractions come about from our brain as software, which is programmed into us as we develop. This process is hardwired into our brains, hence the admission of no cure. However you can treat it, those attractions will never go away, however you could come up with mental solutions in order to complete your primary goal. You may treat your self such as coming up with your own solutions or reading the 'professionals solutions' or seek a professional. Like with anything... you may want to clean your house or may pay someone to do it. Same goes with other stuff such as plumbing or building your own computer. Those professionals will believe their way is better, but that is not always the case. However people take them for granted as they are part of an establishment. Personality disorders are also mental disorders, with personality disorders they are a subset of mental disorders, much like the sexual disorders. I like to specify that you need to be abnormal in the level of intensity for this to become a disorder. For example people exhibit many of the ills of the personality disorders, but only does it become a disorder if the person becomes dysfunctional somehow in that process. I believe the same is with sexual attractions. I think a lot more people are sexually attracted to children than they like to admit, however they are not exclusively attracted to them. So to them it is merely a sight inconvenience when the law states they cannot have sex with a minor. I believe humans are very strange sexually, many(all) will want to do things that are not fit for reproductive purposes. For example blowjobs, masturbating, etc. I believe this process is important for exercising your sex organs. Some people may fantasize about things that are pretty rare(or may carry it out), such as been in masochistic situations or sadistic situations, been tied up, been shit on(no joke), etc. Hey I see nothing wrong as long as both applicants are consenting and happy, as well as been relatively harmless. All this has a purpose, that is for sexual gratification, it is an activity you may view as sexual whether or not it is socially acceptable. Often you prefer a certain partner(or fantasize) in this poster case a boy between the age of 13-16 that is why I define him as a pedophile(hebephile or ephebophile). Although his personal sexual activity is rather strange, but so are many others. I think he is more of ephebophile rather than a hebephile. Hebephiles likes pubescent sexual partners, in boys their balls has just dropped and they are beginning puberty. They are hairless and their voices have not yet broken. Primary sexual characteristics. ephebophiles like the next stage up their partners are developing secondary sexual characteristics but they haven't finished it yet. By removing homosexuals from the mental disorders. They made it much easier to legalize. That is why your favorite organization(B4u act) whats to remove pedophilia from the sexual disorder. You have to play the social game. By removing homosexually as a sexual disorder they completely thrown away their scientific credibility to please the social tread. I am by no means a homophobe, however it is scientific wrong to remove this homosexual disorder out of the psychiatric doctrine as a sexual disorder. Because someone has a disorder does not mean it is an excuse to make it illegal. That is partly why they removed it from the disorders, because people arguing against it would called it a disorder and shouldn't be legal because of this. It was a social thing, not a scientific reason. I believe if you are unable to mate because of your orientation, without any means of finding a mental solution to combat it. Because the mental health is a powerful establishment, whatever they seem to condemn will be accepted and used as political leverage. In this case listing homosexuals as a sexual disorder. Sexual disorders are not mental disorder that will make you irrational or anything, it shouldn't make you a danger or socially inept, however mistreating them. A grand example of this are with pedophiles which will promote negative psychological effects, which may make them behave anti-socially, promote psychopathic behaviors. After all if they feel no one cares about them, then why should they bother about other people, least of all their oppressors? Groups of like minded individuals will form a philosophy, such is the case with your B4u act. As with any ideology it is not perfect and factually not always correct, however some ideology are better than others. Yes, that organization ideology is tons better than any of the others of mainstream on this subject. As with all groups they will sometimes spill out propaganda. However compared to the mainstream it is nothing in comparison. Sometimes due to our cognitive biases we will unintentionally do this. I believe in the case of the mainstream it is all intentional. It shows an air of deliberate abuse of their social influence. When you follow the money, this notion becomes more evident. Like with anything the ruling class will exploit differences. Racism was an easy one. Now they will exploit your sexuality in this case pedophilia as it is a 'preference' and preference is legal to discriminate, it will stay like that until something happens that makes it inconvenient for them to keep it there. Now we have many organizations that have gained wealth and influence due this new hysteria their profits are not going to go away without a fight. We will see more propaganda I bet. Until we either have a revolution or they will be another hysteria to worry about such as the heightened level of violence and crime, which is often a case in sexual repressed societies and unequal societies, as it is getting more and more less egalitarian the more this continues, the rich are getting richer and the poor getting poorer. When that hysteria comes or something like it, then is a great time for pedos arguments to be given more objective thought. There you go I stated my opinion. Shit that was a little long as well! Sorry! |