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Yes, that is the rule, but there are exceptions...

Posted by martirwithacause on 2011-July-16 17:21:49, Saturday
In reply to I guess it must be different posted by Behind Bars on 2011-July-16 17:11:52, Saturday

It's interesting. I thought as we,re all subjected to by and large the same indoctrination at a very young age which is then subsequently re-enforced through our formative years and into adulthood in respect to being born a BL,ver, we would all have grown up with the same negative fears and self perceptions.

Granted I would imagine there are some global regional variations as to just how hysterical that indoctrination is, it being governed by social history, values and norms, but overall I would have thought that my experience and feelings were more the norm than the exception.

I cannot give any specific details about my situation, of course, but - yes - there are exceptions. I suspect I was one of the few, and very rare, ones. Ah! How wonderful to live in ignorance! (Well, not always.)

But then, later, I got a HUGE shock...

And now I'm depressed about it :-(

Such is life.

Kinda like being a black man in parts of the U.S. (and other places) 60 years ago (or less!) with a fetish for white woman.

Unrequited love...


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