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Yes, I see what you mean.

Posted by martirwithacause on 2011-July-15 20:28:52, Friday
In reply to I am willing to be born again in the same mould, posted by Cardinal Sin on 2011-July-15 19:58:53, Friday

Of course, then again, my friend (who is, let us just say, "very experienced", was introduced to a 7-year-old by a 12-year-old boy. Both *insisted* that the 7-year-old was gay. The 7-year-old asked, no *pleaded* that my friend penetrate him anally. My friend refused, of course, explaining the possible harm.

This didn't happen in the U.S. though.

I think that "sex", as a complicated, mysterious concept, doesn't become known until later in life. Touching, even of the genitals? Now *that* can be understood from a very early age. And enjoyed, with no fear or guilt.

It's the grown-ups that have the hang-ups.

And who make the laws...

Funny, several times I've heard the antis say, "But, you never see a million-child-march on Washington for child sexual rights! See?"

I can just imagine it. "Mommy, Mommy, can I go to Washington with several hundred thousand other kids to complain that I can't be diddled by whomever I want?"

Yeah, right.

Who knows, though. Maybe some day...



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