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PS: My personal experience

Posted by shellban on 2011-January-16 10:11:45, Sunday
In reply to Police raided house. In desperate need of help. posted by steamboy on 2011-January-12 12:34:25, Wednesday

I know very well what you mean what you say that it stays in your mind all the time, because the trial can take years and you do not know if you will end up in prison or not, it is highly distressing to have a life with that threat hanging over your head, having to deal with family and friends knowing about it is also highly problematic.

I can't go into detail about my personal experience (might or might not be related to CP), only these main points.

A) Although it seems impossible, it is not, it eventually everything goes out of your mind and you get on with life, it does, I know for sure.

B) Once I had got over the initial shock and I realised I was being sent to prison for doing nothing wrong I decided to make the case as expensive and time consuming and difficult as possible for everyone concerned, after all I was on benefits and the taxpayer was footing the bill, so it might as well be expensive.

I have nothing to regret, I am actually now upset about a mostly law abiding citizen like me, being sent to Court like a common scumbag over some freaking bullshit, while robbers can steal old ladies in broad daylight cops spend their time going after what people do in the privacy of their homes looking at a screen, they couldn't be any more mentally retarded even if they intended to.

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