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Re: Whoa! Slow down. Take some slow deep breaths.

Posted by Sean007 on 2011-January-13 02:46:59, Thursday
In reply to Whoa! Slow down. Take some slow deep breaths... posted by martirwithacause on 2011-January-12 13:14:13, Wednesday

First off very good advice from martirwithacause DO IT.
I have not been in that mess.
I have had some friends that have.
One thing they all say is NEVER talk to the cops NEVER. Just be a clam
Don't even try to justify some thing that is ok or safe. CLAM UP!
If someone asks you about this you answer that you are unable to talk about it with out you lawyer present.

Get a good lawyer, And check them out. Nothing worse than a bad lawyer
that takes your $$ and leaves you stuck.A good one can look at what they
were looking for and how they went about it and could find that they crossed a line even a very small one and it can make a very large change in the outcome.

One thing to think about is cleaning house. The simple things like
old Mickey Mouse Club videos and things that most people would not think twice about and be hell, Cops are very good at talking 2 + 2 and getting 10.
When it really should be 0. That coming form someone I know that got into some heat.

After it all goes away. Walk the straight line and don't stray off. they will be watching.

Now for a really important thing. Your health. Get some food in you. Starving your self will not do you any good. Get sleep. If your in piss poor shape then your mind is not going to be at it's top. You need to be.

I wish the very best to you. Keep your head up and stay alive.


Each small candle lights the corner of the dark
We live as we dream. Alone.
-- Heart of Darkness

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