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Re: Police raided house. In desperate need of help.

Posted by ReTeIp on 2011-January-12 19:54:06, Wednesday
In reply to Police raided house. In desperate need of help. posted by steamboy on 2011-January-12 12:34:25, Wednesday

Hi steamboy,

I've unfortunately been in the same situation, years ago, when I was still a young man like yourself.

I see several similarities, but the most obvious is the police telling me that 'it wasn't as bad as I thought it was', exactly what they were telling you. There might be some truth in that, but the most obvious reason for the police to use that line, is to get you to open up and soften up. Do not talk to the police again until you have spoken to your solicitor.

I'm not going to answer your questions point by point, as there's no...err... point :)

I remember my first disappointments in life... I thought I would never get over them, despite all the good advice I got and people telling me I would get over them, even if I couldn't see it yet...

So I'm not going to tell you you will get over them, cause you will not believe me, it's like telling someone they'll get over their first crush just after they broke up, they'll think it's the end of the world, yet gazillions of people do get over their first crush although they think they wont

I can only tell you that I was in the same situation you were... twice...

And it wasn't only misery from there on, some misery yes, but not more then the average bloke...

You'll get over this...


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