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Not, it's your eyes that are brown

Posted by Prometheus on 2010-July-21 00:44:37, Wednesday
In reply to Evans was a bilthering idiot. posted by Newport News on 2010-July-20 03:26:11, Tuesday

In reality the only way he avoided trouble was to die; that way there was no one to prosecute.
That's just bullshit. He had already pretty much beaten the rap when he died.
I suggest that you reexamine your hero worship of the brain dead.
You like to jump to assumptions, don't you? What orafice did you pull this "hero worship" nonsense out of? Bill was my friend, not my hero. I suggest you reexamine your penchant for sophistry.
My religious opinion is that Jews are idiots and "I disbelieve & abhor" the Jewish religion. I also "disbelieve & abhor" Satanism, Jim Jones and Peter Popov doing faith healing. Saying "Those who yell the loudest are probably Jewish" is not the same as saying "Those who yell the loudest are Jewish" or that "All Jews are obsessed with money" A racial or ethnic slur is Wop, kike, macacca, ching-chong, curry stencher, greaser, wetback, nigger, mick, and chink. None of which I use and refuse to use.
Do you enjoy spewing a string of non-sequiturs just for fun, or are you under the mistaken impression that any of that is in any way responsive to anything I said? Did I say that saying "Those who yell the loudest are probably Jewish" is equivalent to saying "Those who yell the loudest are Jewish" or "All Jews are obsessed with money"? No. So why are you telling me that, as if you were making some sort of point? Did I say anything about ethnic slurs? No. So why are you giving me a string of examples? To amuse yourself?

- Prometheus, not needing your help understanding English
(though perhaps you need help understanding English?)


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