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Not biting

Posted by Prometheus on 2010-July-23 17:35:10, Friday
In reply to Stop sucking a dead man's cock. posted by Newport News on 2010-July-21 09:00:13, Wednesday

Actually, you've demonstrated that you're not worth wasting time with. If you continue in this vein, I'm just about done with you. You like to argue with sophistry and empty rhetoric. To wit:
That or you were just infatuated with his toothless mouth thinking about how good a blow job you could get from him.
Why would you bother to say something like this, when you know very well at the time you're typing it that it's false (and logically irrelevant anyway)? Because you think it's clever? (It's not.) Because you think it somehow gives you a perceived edge in the argument? (It doesn't.) Because you think you'll get under my skin? (You won't.)
And if you're not happy with the way I feel about Jews or a hundred other religions then just pull the out card on me and I'll shut up directly.
As always (so far), your response is completely irrelevant to what you're ostensibly responding to. I'd explain it to you, but why bother when you almost definitely won't get it?

I'll give you a hint: your sentence is logically flawed, because Jews aren't a religion, Judaism is a religion. Your snide pot shot was at Jews, not Judaism, and its content had nothing to do with the religion, it was a bigoted generalization about the personal character of the Jewish people. So when you respond now as if I objected to an opinion you expressed about the Jewish religion, either you're twisting things deliberately, or your mind is too muddled to understand anything on any level beyond broad subject headings. The latter is the impression I got from your last post, when you suddenly, out of the blue, started talking about how you didn't say that all Jews are obsessed with money and listing ethnic slurs as if that had any bearing on any of what I had said.

If this is the way you argue, no wonder you and Bill didn't get along, and it's no discredit to him. You and anyone who tries to have a rational conversation with you wouldn't get along. But thanks for clearing that up for me, now I understand why you hate Bill. It's not anything about Bill, the problem is with you. Anyway, if you're looking for a new sparring partner now that Bill isn't around, I'm not interested in the job.

- Prometheus, getting bored


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