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Re: I'm afraid....

Posted by Him on 2010-June-22 15:19:13, Tuesday
In reply to I'm afraid.... posted by LW on 2010-June-21 13:11:36, Monday

I agree that cutting off shrinks or anyone else who doesn't make you feel good. You have the right to feel good about yourself and your relationship; anyone who makes you feel bad doesn't have the right to speak with you.

I know it's one thing to give advice and another to actually put these things to practice. I've spent a lot of time with people who make me feel like shit. A line I often use is

"The only discussion that can take place between us concerning [topic] is me telling you how it is, and you believing me, because I've already established that I'm right and you have nothing to contribute to the understanding of the matter".

Usually it ends up that we don't talk about whatever that topic was. This one really makes more sense after you've already debated with them.

Most people get their strength from mob mentality, but you'll have to get your strength from the fact that you're smarter than an entire mob of these shit heads. You don't need other people to confirm your beliefs, you can confirm your own beliefs.

On the other hand, I find hating the entire world very draining and causes me to go into depressions. I try to understand where people are coming from, and if anything pity them.

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