"Santi is like a fat juicy caterpillar in the midst of a starving ant pile." If it weren't for Santi, the starving ant colony (comprised of whiners, crybabies, conspiracy theorists, gossipers, and a few Drama Queens) would be forced to forage elsewhere for their food. And that could be quite destructive. Potentially, they could destroy the entire forest in a single feeding frenzy. So, it seems Santi is serving a community-wide need for alleviating antly hunger pains. The PJ trolls used to come here to fill that need, but since they aren't around as often, the ants eventually turn on themselves or the closest thing in sight. Santi gives them something to chew on. In fact, he's juicy enough to feed most of the ant colony. The questions to be asking is, "Which ants are biting?" and, "What else would they be feeding on if not for Santi?" The answer to the first question will be a list of posters to avoid any and all contact with off-board, as they are more than likely to have the same personality defects IRL as the ones they represent here. The answer to the second question is, "anyone and anything is fair game." This is to say that, to the ants, even you are nothing more than just another juicy looking caterpillar. ![]() |