To me an ant at a picnic is more of a problem and annoyance than ant is here. Of course one can have the satisfaction of squishing the ant at the picnic, but I tend to get more satisfaction from seeing ant for what he is and not being bothered by him, more satisfaction then I would derive from squashing some insect at a picnic. What is ant? I will let Brat-1 who explained it so well start off the description for me... "Just another sing-song variant of your same default one-liner. That's the best you can fuckin' do here Santi. This is you at the top of your game..." Exactly right, He's not all powerful... "Sticks and stones can break my bones... but words can never hurt me." Well words CAN hurt me if I let them. But why on earth would I let them? After all, It's just words and when you look at them the way I see them. They are funny at best... and a repetitious "default one-liner" at worst. Let's look at the ant again... What does that ant want? He wants something to eat and you having brought food to the picnic have what he wants. You may be wondering what this has to do with ant? Well ant feeds on the reactions he gets when he writes the things he does. If we take personal responsibility and stop feeding ant he will eventually go away and look for food elsewhere. Yeah, the Cogs could ban ant, And in my opinion... rightfully so. But seeing that that's not happening I would think the next best thing would be to starve the little bugger. ant understands what I'm saying here... do you think you hurt him when you try to hurt him with words? He lives on that stuff. You can NOT hurt him with your words. He see's the battle field for what it is... harmless. He's feeding on those that give him power. When the new posters show up we can tell them that we have an ant problem like the rest of the real world and tell them that the ant doesn't represent the rest of us and should be ignored and remain unfed. Ants at a picnic are a given. Yet people put up with them because it's worth the hassle. BC is my picnic and I wont let some ant stop me from enjoying sunshine, fresh air and the company of some fine friends. If ant writes something rude in response to one of your posts and you ignore it... will everyone think less of you for not doing anything about it? I doubt it... and if one does... I would think it's not going to be someone you should be concerned about anyways. ant has a talent for describing things... he can paint a real vivid picture of him reaching out and touching someone with a slap or what have you... but he can literally take a dump on his keyboard and hit "post"... and you wont even get a whiff of it unless you create that odor in your mind. The bottom line here? When you let ant offend you and respond to him in kind... you not only feed him, you are giving him power over your life. You do what you think is best... But I'm not going to feed him any longer, and I'm not going to let the likes of ant run my show. Cya Rospo the toad |