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Re: Incoherence again

Posted by monkeyLostInHead on 2025-January-4 13:09:44, Saturday
In reply to Re: Incoherence again posted by LaudateAgno on 2025-January-3 18:59:17, Friday

Tell that to the electron obeying the laws! All right, call them “patterns” then.

As I explained, they arent obeying the laws. They arent obeying patterns either. We can see the patterns, yes, but that doesnt mean that electrons are obeying anything

Concepts that don’t exist? You mean concepts of "things" that don't exist

As usual when this topic reaches a certain point, we would have to start looking at what the word "exists" means. Im not sure that I want to do that, Im guessing you probably dont either

My position is, concepts do not exist. You cannot touch a concept, point to a concept. Some concepts relate to things in the real world, but are not those things. Some concepts relate to things that do not exist in the real world.

Ceci n'est pas une pipe and all that.

Which, of course, doesn’t matter to you if you don’t think they exist, but there’s no arguing with anyone who thinks they don’t.

I can think that concepts dont exist, and think that concepts like logic and reason are the best methods we have to understand reality. This is not an incoherent position.

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