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Re: The Exploitation of Token Pundits

Posted by monkeyLostInHead on 2024-December-29 08:25:54, Sunday
In reply to The Exploitation of Token Pundits posted by Lial on 2024-December-29 00:05:25, Sunday

so in other words, if you disagree with the current narrative, or you dont believe in identity politics, or have views that differ from the "community" , especially conservative views, then its not because you arrived at them genuinely, by looking at the issues and finding out whats true and whats not.

no, its because you were propagandized, or are just stupid, or selfish, or you are a token. You arent saying what you think is true, you are "parroting". You arent thinking clearly about the issues, you are "capitulating". You are being manipulated and exploited and used by some unknown evil entity.

Of course, if you are on the other side, you are virtuous and good and your views are genuine and theres no question of you having been propagandized or that you are capitulating or being manipulated.

so fucking dishonest its unreal.

there are those who are willing to participate in activities which are counter to the interests of their community.

The lack of self awareness is astounding.

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