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dictating the news

Posted by samuel77 on 2024-December-24 06:43:04, Tuesday
In reply to Trump's edicts posted by Etenne on 2024-December-23 19:35:36, Monday

Trump has no filter. When he thinks something, he will say it. Normally, people consider what they are going to say in public, think about consequences and similar. Trump has no self-critic, no self-doubt, no strategic thinking. He does not even know the limits of his powers or even decency.

This is a clear proof that Trump has an IQ below 80, no self-awareness, no idea how his actions will be perceived. He might have had it decades ago, but now he is just a clown. That is why he suggested injecting bleach in front of his medical experts.

Regarding UFO's or other governmental secrets: If Trump gets to know something, he will spout it out like "nobody knew". He can't keep secrets and that became clear when he had Lavrov visiting him in the White House. Afterwards, his staff tried to keep the national secrets from him. If someone had told Trump about UFO's at area 51, we would have gotten to know it from an early morning toilet tweet.

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