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Protest peacefully and patriotically, of course!

Posted by mark194 on 2024-July-29 13:37:26, Monday
In reply to The Million Dollar Question (hypothetical).. posted by honesty on 2024-July-29 12:36:50, Monday

In all seriousness, should Kamala win, Republicans shitting and pissing themselves when Kamala certifies her own victory would be pretty funny to watch. Maybe Biden can beef up security at the Capitol this time around.

What's also interesting to think about is the general direction the Republican party will go in at that point. They've all rallied behind Trump to the point of adopting positions that Reagan-era conservatives would consider unthinkable (who would've thought in the 80s that conservatives these days would support Russia invading countries and vote for a guy that cheated on his wife with a pornstar?), so if Trump loses two elections in a row (three popular votes in a row, fwiw), it'll be interesting to see what the GOP does from there.

If Trump keeps running after that, I have to think the Republican party, for better or for worse, would just be completely screwed, at least in the short term. If he loses this time, barring Kamala fucking a kid or something during her term, I highly highly doubt Trump could win in '28, and the Republicans couldn't run another candidate alongside him if he did choose to run. Would they just keep rallying behind Trump? Or would they attempt to return to some kind of moderation? It'll be interesting to see for sure, if Kamala does win.

I for one hope to see a return to moderation and a deviation from the retarded populism that seems so prevalent nowadays. If the GOP put forth a halfway respectable candidate, I might vote for them. I don't even consider myself a liberal, per se - I'm more just voting against Trump than anything else in this election.

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