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He should have been nominated 4 years ago

Posted by Jessy on 2024-July-28 10:28:54, Sunday
In reply to And he's gay with a husband.. posted by honesty on 2024-July-27 07:28:40, Saturday

I thought he had clearly won the Dem debate long ago..

But really... truly... what can be done seriously? $35 Trillion in debt, no babies being born, a tinder box of a society that remains calm only cause it's government prints $5 Billion every night.

Insurance companies paying ridiculous damages to accidents, floods, wild fires, Tornado and hurricane wind destruction.

Smaller rival contrives demanding more, as their weaponry grows exponentially.

University Grads underwater, personal debt soaring, and World wide Treasuries being sold back to the USA.

Good luck Pete!

The World needs more "Earths", not really more "Petes" Que sera, sera, whatever will be, will be.

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