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right (and thanks)

Posted by samuel77 on 2024-July-24 04:03:29, Wednesday
In reply to Ya think? posted by Django on 2024-July-23 15:23:32, Tuesday

Right. Democracy done right is a very hard thing to do.

I looked into voting years ago (google Condorcet) and there is no superior method. The ancient Greek had a more sophisticated method that also included a lottery. There are lots of problems with each voting method, like lost votes.

The parliamentarian system in Europe is riddled with problems. The party's central organ dictates the nomination process - hence guaranteeing wins for certain party leaders.

And then there are the election lies - promises are not kept. Minority parties forces extreme views into the platform, just because their additional numbers allow for a majority government. The important decisions should be handled in separate ballots - like the one in Switzerland. Only when the majority of people can determine the outcome, then one has a democracy.

However, half of the voters have an IQ below average. The masses are stupid and make stupid decisions. This renders democracy as inferior to a benevolent dictator.

You are right, the name of a party does not matter. It might be a law of social nature, that disregarding the intentions of the original founders, all parties develop into an authoritarian bunch.

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