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election observers

Posted by samuel77 on 2024-July-17 03:19:03, Wednesday
In reply to Re: Yes he did posted by mark194 on 2024-July-16 16:32:39, Tuesday

Each election has official observers. I am quite sure that there isn't a single voting place, where not observers from both major parties in the USA are watching. Not a single one of them has claimed in court (where one has to tell the truth) that they observed questionable things.

Guiliani and the kraken have claimed in front of tv-cameras that the election was stolen. They asked him in court whether he wants to make that claim and he said in court that he had no evidence supporting that. Trump also claimed a stolen election and pressured Raffensberger (or so) find additional 11.000 votes. Also Raffensberger could not find any irregularities.

The voting system in the USA is crap, they don't have national id's that can be used for voter registration. The electoral college is outdated and no longer necessary. Each elector has to vote for his candidate (mandated by state laws), so one could skip that step. And the counting takes ages.

Trump claimed in May 2020 that the election will be rigged. However, he did nothing to "un-rigg" the election. Such a loser should loose any election.

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