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Vance isn't a facist...

Posted by Sick Rose on 2024-July-16 19:13:19, Tuesday
In reply to Let's not forget: we are scapegoats posted by French Frog on 2024-July-15 22:00:23, Monday

nor is Trump. Sure, Trump mobilized the same forces that any aspiring fascist would, but unless one uses the word to describe anything other than "someone I disagree with," then he isn't a fascist.

The rise of rightwing populism is THE political story of our time and it's a global phenomenon. Some who have risen to power (Modi? Netanyahu?) probably fit a proper definition of "fascist"; others are just savvy political opportunists (Trump/Meloni/Wilders) who figured out how to mobilize the seething resentment against the globalized elites.

Either way, the notion that, as kit I believe stresses, any plausible political order on the horizon (fascist to Melenchonesque far left) would waste a moment taking our interests into account or pass up a political opportunity to make scapegoats of us is living in a proverbial pipe dream.

How, after all, did Kamela Harris start her rise to power? By going after and wrecking the lives of our brothers.

Sick Rose

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