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Re: confirmation bias

Posted by monkeyLostInHead on 2024-July-16 08:16:59, Tuesday
In reply to confirmation bias posted by samuel77 on 2024-July-16 01:23:56, Tuesday

you have completely misread my position

Once one has spent energy defending a certain view point, one continues to do so, just to "protect the investment".

What view point am I defending? I dont think you even know my view point. My position is that i dont accept YOUR view point, as you have not provided enough evidence.

That is my explanation why monkeyLostInHead does not recognize the arguments we put forth. Either he refuses that it happened or requires them to be interpreted in a different way.

I do recognize the argument. I just dont accept it. I dont know how you can definitively know exactly what interpretation was intended, or exactly how any person in the crowd may interpret it. You cant read minds.

You are making the claim that YOUR interpretation is correct. Without evidence.

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