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Re: escorted school children

Posted by monkeyLostInHead on 2024-May-26 11:26:00, Sunday
In reply to Re: escorted school children posted by diogenes on 2024-May-26 09:04:57, Sunday

The failure of the human race to acknowledge the moral demands of complete strangers is arguably humanity's fundamental failing as a species, and the source of all its political troubles.

There are no moral demands of complete strangers. I am not morally required to take any action for strangers, or even non-strangers. By that argument , not giving everything I own away in order to feed strangers is immoral.

Does that mean I wouldnt do something for strangers? Not necessarily, but there is no moral requirement to. It does not make me immoral to not care about what is happening to someone I know nothing about and have no ties to.

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