Let's look at the record. Obama campaigned on helping people instead of Wall St. and on ending the wars and closing Guantanamo. What did he do? Bailed out the banks and investment firms. Got the US involved in Yemen, Syria, Libya, Somalia, etc. Almost Ukraine too but he backed off last minute. Didn't close Guantanamo and actually expanded US black sites around the world. Plus of course expanded the drone wars. Trump campaigned on less foreign interventions, getting rid of the deep state (the swamp), reduce immigration, etc. What did he do? He continued to give even more money and support to Ukraine and Israel. He put the swampiest people in positions of power, people like Mike Pompeo and John Bolton. Escalated tensions with Iran and China. And didn't accomplish much on immigration either. Biden campaigned on a return to normalcy, experts in government instead of populists, not escalating tensions around the world, domestic investment, no trade wars, etc. What did he do? Bring even more craziness to the office. Put a bunch of incompetents in power like Kamala Harris and Pete Buttigieg. Continuously escalating tensions with everyone. Constantly supports more and more war and death and destruction. As for domestic investment, I recently read an article about how $7 billion for EV charging stations only resulted in 7 (!) stations within 2 years. $1 billion per station. And of course the trade wars are continuing unabated. So who cares? What does it matter? It's the vote between pest and cholera. What all sensible people should do is move away from the disease-ridden place and everyone else should quarantine it from the rest of the world. |