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A smidgen

Posted by slvrspun on 2024-March-16 19:54:26, Saturday
In reply to How much confusion? posted by samuel77 on 2024-March-16 15:59:27, Saturday

Enough to wipe the arrogant smirks off the faces of people who think they know it all.

I think we're in for some surprises with gravity, as evidenced by the very behaviour of these UFO's.

And if you want to be actually surprised on UFO's you only need to be open-minded enough to go looking for the evidence which is freely available in many places on the internet (don't bother so much with mainstream media). Of course, always keep the bullshit filters at the ready, because there are many people trying to confuse us with their paid-for speculations or drug-fueled agendas, and lately, AI-generated whims.


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