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Re: Abortion and religion

Posted by kit on 2024-February-25 03:38:30, Sunday
In reply to Abortion and religion posted by Pharmakon on 2024-February-24 19:19:22, Saturday

it's founded on a highly particular view of the sanctity of life that is not common to all religions.

I'm not sure how this is a 'flaw' -- highly particular as my view undoubtedly is, it's not all that uncommon. But it wouldn't really matter if it were. The fact that it isn't a universal moral conviction (and what is a universal moral conviction? Are there any??) doesn't make it wrong or invalid. Moral truth is not decided democratically.

A Christian who shares Kit's perspective (not all do) can argue that the life of embryo should be held as sacred as that of a 7 yo boy.

Unfortunately, not everyone thinks that the life of a 7 year old boy is sacred -- or at least not all that sacred -- as is clear by how many children are being killed in the world today.

You appear to be suggesting that there is a sort of core of ethical intuitions that everyone shares, and that only religious wingnuts like myself want to go overboard by applying a sense of sanctity willy-nilly.

But I would propose that there are virtually no universal moral intuitions, not even that killing seven-year-olds is suboptimal.

If we think that people probably shouldn't kill seven-year olds, then we will have to argue for it. If we think (for instance) that raining down death on Arab children is a thunderous moral outrage that cries out for vengeance from Heaven, then we are going to have to make this case. And it really helps to know what your premises are. You simply can't assume that anybody agrees with you.

I suppose religions in general might assume that life is sacred (I'm not equipped to judge whether this is actually true or not), but in general people find excuses to kill whomever they want to kill. Sometimes religion can even provide a helpful justification. There will always be an Amalek.

This is part of the reason why I want to be extremely resistant to the idea that we should kill anyone just because it is convenient, even if we are not quite sure what the moral status of that person might be. You do not have to think that a foetus has exactly the same claims upon us as a primary-school-aged child to think that it has interests and value and that its life should not casually be disposed of.

Views on abortion inevitably reflect one's religious commitments (or lack of such commitments). In a religiously plural society, social peace is impossible if the religious commitments of one group are to be imposed on members of another.

Here we come to the point, I think. Lack of 'religious commitments' (as typically understood) are also religious commitments. Nobody is non-religious, because being non-religious is also in itself a religious position. Secularism is no less ideological than Islamism or Caesaropapalism.

Thus there can be no such thing as a "religiously plural society," because religion is precisely what is foundational to any society.

The whole sham of modernity was that a political identity could be created that transcended ideology and religion and community -- in America, quite specifically, by creating a national religion that would supplant and supersede traditional religions. Of course, we are now seeing the long-delayed collapse of this project. Religion is back; ideology has returned, and the nation state is no longer able to contain the differences it once effectively neutralised.

I think this is (mostly) a good thing. It could permit the creation of new and more authentic social-political identities, built on a more substantial foundation than a flag and a song.

I see it as good news that rootless political identities will inevitably be replaced by more clearly morally-grounded ones. Abortion is not by any means the sole issue at stake, but it might be one that clarifies some of the deeper divisions running through modern national societies.

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