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but - and there is a big but

Posted by samuel77 on 2023-November-25 12:20:37, Saturday
In reply to Speaking of the Dutch.... posted by Django on 2023-November-25 07:50:58, Saturday

The fight is not over yet. The European system has government and a law-giving parliament. Some parliaments are like the British with 2 houses, one suggesting the laws and the other approving them. But the government with president/prime minister are build by the ruling coalition, several parties joining forces and having majority (although minority governments have existed).

That building of a ruling coalition is a terrible thing. Small parties might give a coalition the numerical majority, and for that service demand extreme points taken up during the negotiation. Therefore small parties in those parliaments sometimes exercise an unreasonable amount of power. Green parties forces their stupid virtue signalling waste of money onto the government.

In case of the Sweden's democrats and the PVV, most other parties in Sweden and Netherlands have declared to boycott those victorious parties. It is not enough to win an election, meaning having the most votes, one also needs to build a majority coalition. Hence, not much will change even after such a landslide win.

However, a major landslide win puts certain topics onto political discussions. And the established parties are under pressure to reconsider standpoint. Often they try to capture voters by slightly changing their policy towards the election winning views.

Angela Merkel's heritage has to go home. Europe is not the place to turn time back 1400 years. Knife welding barbarians need to learn that this is not how Europe works. Hopefully a strong repatriation scheme will come and the strange death of Europe be avoided. Not at last: all previous expulsion of Islam had a large human toll - millions of Muslims.

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