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Posted by Arota on 2023-November-7 13:49:56, Tuesday
In reply to You support the murder of babies.. posted by honesty on 2023-November-7 12:59:57, Tuesday

This is the reality of Ukrainian children in Russia

Free music lessons, “spiritual enrichment,” safety from war, and US condemnation: a visit to the Donbas Express

Just another US lie.

Just like the Uyghurs they supposedly care about in Xinjiang, so they try to destroy the economy there. Meanwhile real migrant child slave labor in the US South is totally ignored or promoted by Western "humanitarians".

Just like the lies they told about Kosovo, while dropping depleted uranium, causing birth defects to this day.

Just like the lies they told about Kuwaiti babies in incubators to justify war in Iraq.

Just like the lies they told about WMDs to justify yet another war in Iraq.

Just like the lies they told about Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos, justifying the slaughter of millions.

The only thing the US government can do is lie, just like dishonesty here. Lie and spread the tales of his fascist government. Don't worry, soon enough you'll be denazified too.

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