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Re: Incubation

Posted by Arota on 2023-October-14 18:16:32, Saturday
In reply to Incubation posted by LaudateAgno on 2023-October-14 18:05:11, Saturday

The only thing that happened was the taking of hostages, much fewer hostages than the Israelis have taken and put in their prisons for resisting occupation over the years. The Western press also said that Gaddafi was "giving Viagra to his soldiers to rape the women", so the rape narrative is still going on the same script there.

If someone has proven to be a liar over decades again and again, the assumption should be that they are lying. My inductive reasoning tells me that if the Western press says a thing is true, especially about their enemies or when it serves their perceived political interest, the most likely conclusion is that it isn't true.

Did civilians die in the initial chaos of the breaking of the occupation fence? Probably. Was some of it from Hamas fighters? I'm not sure, but I wouldn't be surprised. Is everything done by "Hamas" and "Palestinian terrorists"? I doubt it, chaos and confusion creates a lot of opportunists who take actions themselves. Is anything that Hamas or others did in any way comparable at all to what Israel has done and is continuing to do with increasing intensity? No. Do I feel sorry for Israelis? Not in the slightest.

The Israeli president recently said that it's not a war crime to kill millions of Palestinians, because there are no Palestinian civilians, because they could have toppled their government. Hamas doesn't even act like that or claim that. Even if they have committed atrocities, they are not bragging about how they are going to murder everyone, like the Israelis are. And any atrocities that you can attribute to Palestinians are maybe 1/100 or 1/1000 of what the Israelis have done and are continuing to do.

There is absolutely only one group responsible for all of this and it's Israel. There is no need to condemn Hamas, what is needed is international support for the Palestinian resistance against Israeli occupation.

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