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Re: unfair

Posted by monkeyLostInHead on 2022-August-29 11:38:35, Monday
In reply to unfair posted by samuel77 on 2022-August-28 16:13:35, Sunday

again, similar to Arota, you didnt actually answer my questions.

How is it unfair? You keep saying it IS unfair, but thats not an answer.

Bill Gates is rich beyond any reason. There is a cost related to the development of an operating system, but then the production of a floppy disk with software costs less than a dollar. But Windows was sold for hundreds of dollars.

So what. He is allowed to charge anything he wants. People were willing to pay it. How is that unfair?

If 2 people are working hard for 8 hours, why should one get 1000 times more in salary?

Depends what you mean by working hard. 1 person could be working hard for 8 hours and producing 1 gizmo. the other could be working hard for 8 hours and producing 1000 gizmos. Should they get paid the same?

You dont understand about value. Value is subjective. There is no inherent value that an hour should have for all people. Its about how I perceive their value, and how they perceive their own.Supply and demand.If I am amazing at making gizmos, but no one wants to buy any gizmos, then theres no point employing me to make gizmos.

If I own a business making gizmos, and I offer someone $10 an hour to make gizmos, and they accept, its because they value the $10 more than the free time. The fact that I might make $1 for every gizmo they make is irrelevant, and does not at all make it unfair.

Also, the business owner is taking all the risk. The employee is guaranteed a salary every month, even if the business makes a loss. If it does make a loss, the business owner takes the hit. The business owner is putting his money up with a risk of losing it.

the only unfairness in the situation is that big corporations can use the state to stop competition, which lessens the choice for workers, since if business A and B are produce the same goods, both businesses know that experienced or skilled workers have the choice to work at A or B.

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