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Left vs. Right

Posted by Arota on 2022-August-27 17:20:57, Saturday
In reply to left/right coordinate system posted by samuel77 on 2022-August-27 13:27:18, Saturday

Well the problem is that people look at politics in terms of beliefs and identities. Basically everyone is regarded as the same and interchangeable, but they have different individual values and ideologies.

I guess that sort of thinking makes sense if you think of everyone as "middle class" or professional.

But ultimately politics is about different groups of people fighting for control. Historically, it has been based on splits within elites. So in Europe you had a split between the traditional land-owning elite and the rising burgher class.

So jumping to today.

You basically have the political establishment, which is centrist and supports the status quo.

You have the "left" that supports BLM and trans and all of these cultural issues. 90% of that is for political expediency though, it's used as a bludgeon to attack your rivals. Which is why tons of centrists like Hillary Clinton get in on it. Or you have the CIA making ads about how woke they are.

So basically it's institutional infighting because for all these new people who were pushing for these issues, the only way they can get up is by pulling other people down.

On the right, it's basically the same thing. The anti-woke right is really just woke in its own way and uses these issues to tear down political rivals and get ahead. A good example in the US is someone like Marco Rubio, who is either a progressive republican, a centrist, or a far-right militarist depending on which way the wind blows.

The problem is that all these people, whether "centrist" or "far-right" or "far-left" are really just self-serving demagogues who either don't believe what they're saying or, even worse, convince themselves that it's true (as long as it stays convenient).

So fundamentally I don't think it's ideological but basically destructive splits within elites, who are vying for a limited amount of positions, that then are propagandized to ordinary people. And that creates all this chaos and unrest.

Lots of fighting. Lots of uproar. Lots of anger. Very little meaningful change.

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