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Spot on assessment..

Posted by honesty on 2022-May-20 18:04:20, Friday
In reply to Re: That's not very nice.. posted by kit on 2022-May-20 16:42:19, Friday

The west's indifference to various wars differs in the amount of interest given to each war individually. Yemen is a good example. To date, an estimated 377,000 people have been killed in Yemen and if Americans were asked where Yemen is located on a map, few people would even know its location and many more wouldn't even know what is going on there and whom is fighting the battle.

But it's not just the west who doesn't care. The war in Yemen has been one of the most devastating conflicts in the region yet it barely even makes the news in Jordan. Yemen seemingly has little value to the world. It has no great oil reserves. It's the poorest country in the Arabian Peninsula. Yemen is simply not a priority, regionally or internationally. Sad but it is a reality. No one really cares, except the U.S. does continue to pump in military weapons to keep the war going and to keep the lands from falling into the wrong hands as perceived by the west.

The Palestinian crises has it's own particular dynamic, of course, and which has been debated endlessly since OC opened. It's a stalemate and the big Jewish bully is in charge of Palestinian destiny. Both sides are essentially to blame but the west (USA) certainly shares in the blame for the failure to resolve the problems.

Certainly the war in Ukraine and the sympathy Ukraine receives from the west is directly related to skin color but also geography as well as geopolitical issues. It is a continuation of Soviet/Russian aggression and relates as a direct threat to all of the European nations. It seems like there has always historically been some despot arising to take land they believe belongs to them or should belong to them. After Putin, someone someday will start new wars under the similar pretext of alleged land ownership or confiscation thereof.

Of course, as in Hitler's case, it wasn't necessary to own the land, he just wanted it and justified it based on ethnic implied ownership.

Bottom line is that all wars are instigated based on someone possessing something someone else wants. If it doesn't affect us then no one gives a shit. It is the way of human nature and it will never end.

We are constantly reminded just how much the human race sucks.


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