... I mean thanks anyway for the time you took to post it and all... But truly?.. To me it amounts to a lot of "NO SHIT SHERLOCK". It all comes back to present day Universities, mental health, and justice that must continue to manipulate, and make erotic desire and sexual fun for male youth an affair of tragic obscenity, abuse, and reasons for expensive crusades of heroic intervention on the part of an industry riddled in false narratives, that funds itself with tons of debt, cash pulled from the future to pay the moralists, that then dump said debt back onto the youth. (what amounts to real abuse, and disregard for their collective well being) A fraud in other-words! All I took from this was common knowledge really... Boy/male youth are naturally horny Many males younger and older look to share sexual energy with one another (past and present) Sex is mortified, made strange and evil, obscene, and disgusting by damaging narratives... and for that deemed a criminal activity worthy of armies of expensive experts and moral crusaders. Sorry, but it doesn't add anything that wasn't already known... 1) Attention should be on the university system, is it completely fascist now? 2) How does the honey-pot of debt get turned off, so that natural flows of natural occurrences can resume? 3) How can evidence of male youth in acts of enjoying sexual energy sharing be observed, contemplated, and truly studied for real scientific purposes and truthful conclusions of fact, and judicial interpretation and immediate amendments to the law, and much needed healing to the demented social scorn. If you find such interviews, and scholars ready to articulate anything like this... please forward it along, seems to me it would be far more important, and "ground braking" academia. Then again, that suggests that the pedagogical edifice is not entirely fascist, so I don't think any revelation will be coming any time soon, better to keep destroying young lives lives for a pension. Thanks again for the bla bla bla |