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Positive Memories--T. Rivas, JUMIMA, Newgon(link)

Posted by Manstuprator on 2025-January-23 10:23:07, Thursday

NOTE:This is a repost, slightly modified and updated.

Positive Memories--T.Rivas, JUMIMA, Newgon [link]

Posted by Manstuprator on 2023-July-8 21:50:44, Saturday

This post contains information/links to:
Positive Memories -- T.Rivas
JUMIMA: When a boy goes with a man ... Positive accounts of boy/man relationships. This archive contains 210 reports so far
AND "Experiences": This list is intended to be used as evidence of positive relationships, and also to demonstrate that when harm does occur, it is not caused by the activities themselves if such activities are thoroughly non-violent and consensual...

For well over 100 years, certain people -- sexophobes, antisexuals, and just plain crazies -- have desperately searched for arguments in a vain attempt to try to prove that man/boy intergenerational sexual relationships are "wrong," "bad" or somehow "harmful".

One-by-one, these "arguments" have been found to lack substance.

One of the examples given -- believe it or not! -- was "the risk of pregnancy". The risk of a BOY becoming PREGNANT? I really doubt that is very likely to happen...

The latest argument to have been debunked is that "boys cannot give informed consent," when boys CAN give "informed consent" in many other situations involving much greater risk of harm than any harm that possibly could occur to boys from getting blowjobs from men.

Another common argument is, "So where are all these boys you talk about who have had positive sexual relationships with men, and wanted or encouraged them? They don't exist! See, you pedophiles don't know what you're talking about!"

Well, then some folks (not always "pedophiles") started putting together the histories -- in the boys' words (or of the man, reflecting back on his boyhood) of "positive memories" of sexual involvement with men. The "antis" call the stories "lies". But these stories often come from the mouths of respected, well-known public figures, and are published in respected newspapers and books! How could those stories be lies?

OK -- the following is some "reading material" discussing positive memories of man/boy physical/sexual and emotional relationships.

Positive Memories: Cases of positive memories of erotic and platonic relationships and contacts of children with adults as seen from the perspective of the former minor by T. Rivas

“This book is a sourced collection of 'cases of positive memories of erotic and platonic relationships and contacts of children with adults, as seen from the perspective of the former minor.' That is, descriptions of past relationships with adults from the then-younger partners.”




[NOTE: The book was removed -- to protect the author from possible prosecution from the Dutch government for "promoting" pedophilia -- from the website. Apparently, it is now currently available, and it appears to be the most recent edition.]


"Included are these categories:
· BM: Boy-man (75 BM stories)
· BW: Boy-woman (14 BW stories)
· GM: Girl-Man (45 GM stories)
· GW: Girl-Woman (11 stories)

I have added a fifth category which I call:
· LC: “Loose contacts” (30 LC stories)
[NOTE: "Loose contacts" actually should be "casual sexual encounters". Don't you love non-native speakers who assume they are proficient in English when they are not? -- Manny]

The primary focus of the book is on relationships with erot-
ic aspects rather than on sex as such. I have included this
fifth category simply to show that some sexual contacts can
be consensual and harmless even outside the context of a
larger relationship.

This category refers to contacts that occurred outside a sig-
nificant love relationship, simply for the sexual gratification
of both partners. This phenomenon deserves respect, but it
is quite different from affectionate and romantic relation-

And a sixth category concerning:
· PR: Memories of a Platonic relationship (5 PR stories).
Thus far, I've only found a few cases of this type.
I've included these platonic relationships because they in-
volve the same kind of horizontal, personal affection that is
common in erotic relationships, and also because the adult
in such relationships is often called a ‘pedophile’, even if
only in the emotional sense. In exceptional ‘erotic’ relation-
ships here presented there was hardly any physical contact,
but I have not listed such cases under platonic relationships
if the former child felt really in love with the adult and
longed for such contact.

Rather surprisingly, recollections of positive platonic rela-
tionships with adults who seem to have a (partially or en-
tirely) ‘pedophile’ background, are much rarer in the litera-
ture than accounts about memories of positive erotic rela-
tionships. I do not know how to interpret this fact. To be
sure, recorded cases of negative platonic relationships are at
least as scarce.

Besides, positive memories of erotic friendships already
demonstrate that minors and adults can voluntarily engage
in personal relationships with each other. In this sense, they
also amount to evidence for a potential for platonic rela-
tionships. In other words, if we accept that erotic relation-
ships between minors and adults can be voluntary and
harmless, we should not doubt that platonic relationships
can be voluntary and harmless too.

(In this sense, even readers with ‘pedophile’ feelings who
consider erotic relationships intrinsically immoral, should,
paradoxically, welcome the positive memories of erotic
relationships in this book.)

That makes 180 stories in total.

These stories are followed by a Discussion.

My central thesis is that ‘pedophile’ relationships, i.e. horizontal
affectionate relationships between a minor and an adult outside
the child's family, should be judged on their own individual me-
rits rather than on the basis of the sex or age of the child. Please
note that I use ‘pedophilia’ in an inclusive sense rather than in
the narrow sense of “attraction to prepubescent children (or
boys)”. So it refers to any type of attraction in adults to minors,
including ephebophilia, hebephilia, nepiophilia, parthenophilia,
etc., and an attraction to boys as well as an attraction to girls or
both. Similarly, a ‘pedophile’ does not need to be someone who
is exclusively attracted to minors, as long as the attraction is
more than a mere ‘surrogate’ for erotic feelings for other adults.
My main criteria for including a particular case in this collection

· the relationship was voluntary, i.e. consensual from the
child's subjective perspective;

· it was positive, meaning that the child did not experience it
as ambiguous, let alone negative, in any important respect;
(In practice, this means that the former child may find
certain actions rather imprudent from a societal or legal
perspective, but not intrinsically morally wrong in the
sense of going against his or her own wishes.)

· the person reporting the experiences (the former child) is
nearly 18 or older and he or she was not older than 15
when the relationship started;

· the older partner was 18 or older during the relationship;
the adult was so much older than the child or teenager that
even many ‘liberal’ people would nowadays consider the
relationship inappropriate. For example, a relationship be-
tween a person of 18 and a boy or girl of 15 is not included,
but a relationship between an 18-year-old and a 12-year-old

· it did not involve sex with adult siblings or parents. Not
only is such incest a separate issue, but as far as I know,
there is hardly any evidence for non-ambivalent positive
memories of such relationships, although I could be wrong
about this of course. Besides, this type of incest always
involves a blending of relational roles, which in the case of
parental incest usually will be very confusing and psycho-
logically damaging for the child in most cases, due to
general cultural conceptualizations of the relationship
between parents and children as inherently (physically) pla-
tonic. (Please note that I'm open to cases that would go
against my expectation, but even then it would remain a
different topic.) Also, most cases of parental incest will not
be monitored by other adults.

· the person recalling his or her experiences as a child, for all
we know, has not developed a ‘pedophile’ orientation or
preference for relationships with minors;

· the former child does not have a criminal record as a sex
offender and

· the child was not paid for any sexual services.

· There is no reason to suppose that concrete allegations
about the adult having been involved in involuntary ‘pedo-
phile’ contacts (as well as in a voluntary relationship) may
actually be true. This excludes testimonies like that of film
star Nastassja Kinski about Roman Polanski, the late singer
Aaliyah about R. Kelly, and even Macaulay Culkin about the
late Michael Jackson (included in previous editions).

Except for the platonic ones, all of the cases included have a
physical erotic aspect or at least a longing for such erotic con-
tact in the child. Consensual sexuality between adults and mi-
nors is based on forms of erotic contact that may occur in
relationships between two minors.
Taken together, these cases clearly appear to establish the fol-
lowing facts:

· There are consensual and harmless platonic and erotic rela-
tionships between children and adults.

· Many of these relationships involve friendship, affection,
and personal love.

· They can start even before the child is twelve years old...."


JUMIMA site: November 2, 2021 Edition – 210 reports
When a boy goes with a man ... Positive accounts of boy/man relationships
This archive contains 210 reports so far

"Dear Visitor,
This is an archive of true reports of intimate relationships between boys and men. It only contains reports and personal accounts that are at least somewhat positive and in which the viewpoint of the boy is dominant."

All the reports/accounts are available to download in EBOOK format:


THE WHOLE SITE MAY ALSO BE DOWNLOADED (34 MEG.): "Experiences": This list is intended to be used as evidence of positive relationships, and also to demonstrate that when harm does occur, it is not caused by the activities themselves if such activities are thoroughly non-violent and consensual... Please note that this is not intended to be an unbiased and wholly accurate study of sexual activities between minors and adults. Accounts vary in credibility, some of them being anonymous (the reasons for which, may be understandable) and others being the spoken or written word of one or more known persons. We also act as a hub for other publishers of said accounts.
The accounts are divided into sections for easy retrieval, and may require an archive search if the links have fallen dormant."


For all you "doubting Thomases" out there who claim that man/boy sexual encounters are always forced and/or always unwanted...

Recommended reading!

If you find this post useful, why not shout me a beer? Oh -- wait... Well, if that's not possible, how about if you respond to this post, you know, with a comment or two? Just like the positive enforcement that works with your Young Friends? Oh, you don't HAVE any Young Friends. Gee, I wonder why?...

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