Precious few on-line images from the Ashmolean Museum. Not surprising: Better (as you well know) is: Images of Ancient Greek Pederasty: Boys Were Their Gods by Andrew Lear & Eva Cantarella Routledge, 2008 GOOGLE IMAGES: BLURB: “This lavishly illustrated book brings together, for the first time, all of the different ways in which vase-painting portrays or refers to pederasty, from scenes of courtship, foreplay, and sex, to scenes of Zeus with his boy-love Ganymede, to painted inscriptions praising the beauty of boys. The book shows how painters used the language of vase-painting to cast pederasty in an idealizing light, portraying it as part of a world in which beautiful elite males display praiseworthy attitudes, such as moderation, and engage in approved activities, such as hunting, athletics, and the symposium. The book also incorporates a comprehensive catalogue of relevant vase-paintings, compiled by noted archaeologist Keith DeVries. It is the most comprehensive treatment available of an institution that has few modern parallels.” They nail it! M. I don't care if the Warren cup IS a fake. And I'm not sure that the youth is pedicating the boy -- could it be intercrural sex after all? Well, on second thought, I could be wrong about that... DOWNLOAD Images of Ancient Greek Pederasty: Boys Were Their Gods HERE: [@nonymouse] [Guardster] [Proxify] [Anonymisierungsdienst] |